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Ensuring Financial Stability After Death: The Critical Role of Estate Cash Flow Planning Thumbnail

Ensuring Financial Stability After Death: The Critical Role of Estate Cash Flow Planning

There is significant emphasis placed on cash flow planning during a client’s lifetime but what is often overlooked is planning for cash flow after death. Discover the importance of cash flow planning in estate management and learn how strategic estate distribution and understanding of assets and liabilities can safeguard against tax implications and ensure the financial well-being of beneficiaries.

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Decoding End-of-Life Planning: Overcoming Cognitive Biases and Building a Comprehensive Strategy Thumbnail

Decoding End-of-Life Planning: Overcoming Cognitive Biases and Building a Comprehensive Strategy

Explore the challenges of end-of-life planning and understand why so many Canadians grapple with this crucial aspect of financial strategy. Uncover startling statistics on the lack of up-to-date wills and learn how cognitive biases, such as present bias and loss aversion, play a role. Discover the importance of holistic estate planning and why regular reviews with an advisor are key to a comprehensive strategy.

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